Events at Ismini Studios

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I’d like you to think about your relationship with movement.  Do you enjoy moving?  Do you come away feeling better after class?  Well, that’s because movement helps both physical and mental health.  

When we exercise, endorphins are released into the brain.  These block the perception of pain and increase feelings of wellbeing.  During physical activity, endorphins are produced in the pituitary gland and are often produced during physical exercise to inhibit pain, muscle cramps and relieve stress.  

Here’s a top tip: when we move, we should smile and breathe to enhance the feel good factors!  

Talking about mental health is becoming more common.  Anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction are just some examples of mental health conditions that people suffer from.

Mental Health Awareness Week is from 13th to 19th May. This year the theme is “Movement: Moving for our Mental Health”.  With this in mind, I have decided to run a special afternoon on Saturday 11th May.  The afternoon will include a range of classes so you can start your week feeling your best.  Proceeds from this event will be going to charity.

WORKSHOP – Walkers and Runners

Saturday 29th June 2.00pm to 5.30pm

This is a must for anyone who does a lot of walking or running!  In fact, this workshop is for everyone as we all have to walk and sometimes run for that bus or train.

Did you miss our previous workshops?  No problem.  Come and join us now as we revisit and explore new movements of intelligent knees, intelligent hips and begin to sense our intelligent feet!

Venue:  The Medway School of Dance

Investment: £59.00

